Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

Oh no. It hurts me to have to say I didn’t like a John Green book, because I, like everyone else ever in the entire universe, adore John Green. But…yeah, I hated it. Still, this is John Green. JOHN GREEN. I’m sort of wanting to tell myself that this book was just over my head, too good for me to really “get,” because I do NOT want to be that girl who hates a John Green book. Children would laugh and point and serial killers would shun me.

I don’t really like anyone in this book. The John Green Will Grayson is pretty generic. One of those John Green characters who doesn’t really have much of a personality. The Levithan Will Grayson interested me with his anger and depression, but was also not especially likeable, or well-developed. I liked that the book involved gay characters because that’s not something you see very often in YA literature. But it wasn’t really a gay book, was it? I mean, the gayness was just sort of there in the background, it wasn’t really ABOUT gay teens. Really, I’m not sure WHAT this book was about. It feels undeveloped and unfinished, to me. Nothing happened!!

I just…I found this book boring, and wayyyy too long, and not much really happened, and I just didn’t enjoy it. I will say that I listened to the audio book version, and that was probably what kept me coming back to it. The two different narrators and the singing and the inflections and sobs and stuff are excellent

I think I might need to read An Abundance of Katherines again, to restore my faith in my own coolness and remind myself that I DO like John Green and am not a freak.

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2 Responses to Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

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